How Senators Threw Out Buhari’s Electoral Amendment Bill

How Senators Threw Out Buhari’s Electoral Amendment Bill

Lawmakers in Nigerian upper chamber at the National Assembly made a unique statement today when, for the first time in the life of the 9th National Assembly, they called President Muhammadu Buhari’s bluff and threw out his Bill seeking to further amend the Electoral Act, 2022.

The Bill titled: “A Bill for an Act to amend the Electoral Act 2022 and for related matters” was overwhelmingly rejected by Senators, thus aborting the amendment procedure at the second reading.

It would be recalled that the Bill scaled first reading on Tuesday despite a court order barring the Senate from acting on it.

Senate President, Ahmad Lawan had challenged the Court order saying the Judiciary cannot in any circumstance stop the Legislature from performing its constitutional duties.

Before the Senate commenced consideration of the Bill on Wednesday, Senator Adamu Aliero had, while citing order 52(5) of the Senate Standing Rules, urged the Senate President to jettison proposed action on the Bill.

Lawan was however adamant. He reiterated his position that only senators may reject the Bill and not the judiciary seeking to stop the chamber from performing its lawful duties through an order.

Senators then voted overwhelmingly against the Bill to stop it from being read a second time.