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Governor Otti’s Dream For Nsulu

16th December 2024, NewsOrient, Opinion, Column, News, Governance And Development
By Godwin Adindu
This is beyond politics. Politics is a dirty game but this is not dirty. This is crystal clean. Let’s be jubilant for once. Let’s sing the lullaby of victory. Let’s sing the epic chorus of eulogy. Let’s roll out drums in dance and celebration.
The coming of an Airport at Ubaha Nsulu is a great milestone, a generational gift, a great mark of development and civilization.
Nsulu has been lifted into the global map. It has taken a front seat as the world history unfolds. It has taken a place in the matters of aviation industry in Nigeria and beyond. Something great and magnificent has come to Isiala Ngwa – a great government presence, a great commercial presence, a great urban presence, a great centre of power and progress.
An Airport at Nsulu will change our landscape, change our environment, change our lifestyle, change our world — and all for good. I guess, this might be the highest government centre in the entire Ukwa Ngwaland as the Enyimba Economic City ended as a jamboree.
Thank you Governor Otti for bringing this mighty project home to your people. I can now beat my chest in pride and say there’s an AIRPORT in my backyard. This was a distant dream of yesterday. God bless Nsulu land, land of my in-laws, land of great and legendary names – the Wachukwu’s, the Col. Mitchell Olehi’s, the Nduaguibe’s, the GOC Nnaji’s, the Eric Opah’s, the Omerekpe’s, the Onukwue’s, the land of the great men of Eziala.
With the airport and many other projects, Governor Otti has inscribed his name in the annals of Ukwa-Ngwa cum Abia history. He has proven to be a great and illustrious son.
Governor Otti’s landmarks so far has vindicated my earlier thesis of an orphan Governor transmitting the gene of the movement for the rebirth of a nation; for Labour Party was more a spiritual revival than a political party. It’s rather clear that Otti is working to put Abia out on a brand display of the composition, attributes and characteristics of the great product of ideas of the possibility of a new Nigeria. He remains the fossil dinosaur of that great product of ideas.
At times like these, what is expected of us is to exhibit true citizenship. True citizenship is impressed with government effort towards development. Students of modern Developmental Studies will remember the community model or the bottom-top approach where citizens are partners with government in the business of good governance geared towards development. Citizens must highlight areas of deficit in development, areas being neglected by government, areas needing urgent government intervention or attention.
Development citizenship engages the government constructively and works with government to achieve the goal of development. I believe that the great men of Nsulu are true citizens and would work with the Governor to achieve this lofty vision of an Airport for us all.
Adindu writes from Umuahia
~ NewsOrient
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