Defence Intelligence Students Commend Gov Otti On Security

Defence Intelligence Students Commend Gov Otti On Security

10th May 2024, NewsOrient

Students of the Nigeria Defence Intelligence College, Abuja, have commended Abia State Governor, Dr. Alex Otti, for creating the right environment and atmosphere for security agencies in the State to operate in synergy.

They said Governor Otti’s decision to sit in council with the heads of the various security agencies and the leadership of the traditional rulers in the State has contributed immensely to the restoration of peace and atmosphere of safety currently being enjoyed in Abia.

A statement signed by Kazie Uko the Chief Press Secretary to Abia State Governor said the students, Course 21 of 2024, who were rounding off a five-day study visit to Abia State, made their observation known on Thursday, when they visited the Governor at his residence in Umuehim, Nvosi, Isialangwa South, as part of their itinerary in Abia.

They described the strategy adopted by Governor Otti, to secure the State as “Force Multiplier”.

“We have also made some observations, Sir, and part of it, the first one that we noticed from our interaction with so many (security) organisations that we have visited, is that you take security very seriously.

“They equally confessed that you treat them equally, unlike some states where they have the big five and others. The big five sit in the Security Council while others will report to the Secretary. But here, it is not like that, all of them are treated equally.

“This is the report we are getting from the field sir. We have not been here. This is my first time coming to Abia State, so, this is what everyone of them was saying.

“Sir, that is in security, a force multiplier. Your strategy is actually what we refer to as Force Multiplier because you will even get a better result,” the Director of Studies Defence Intelligence, Mr. Jonathan Nyam, who represented the Commandant of the Defence Intelligence College, Rear Admiral J.A. Nwagwu, said.

Mr. Nyam said, the students were amazed at the unusually kind of espirit de corps they noticed between and among the different security agencies, which they owe to the Governor. According to him, “One thing we also got from the field is that there is also synergy and it is also down to you that you ensure that they work together. So, we go to DSS, they will praise Police; we go to Police, they will praise DSS. All of them are happy sir.”

To continue to strengthen the security situation in the State, Nyam advised Governor Otti that Abia needs to be mindful of the happenings in the neigbouring States, so as to avoid a situation where criminals come in from other states, kidnap people and run back to their hideouts outside of Abia. He said that this would help to eradicate pockets of crimes in the State.

Mr. Nyam informed the Governor that the study tour of Course 21 of 2024 has a team of 47 students divided into two: 23 in Abia and the rest in Enugu, both centers being coordinated by the Defence Intelligence College Commandant.

He said that the theme of their study is, “Curbing Kidnapping for Ransom in Nigeria.” According to him, the Abia team’s focus is on the role of intelligence in curbing kidnapping for ransom in Abia State.

Nyam explained that in a bid to enrich their study, they carefully selected and visited some institutions which include the security agencies because of the abundant of data at their disposal; traditional rulers as the custodians of our traditions/culture and the repertoire of intelligence not tapped; the Geometric Integrated Power in Aba, to establish if there is really a relationship between kidnapping and power and others.

Responding, Governor Otti thanked the students for their apt appreciation of the security situation in Abia, and reiterated his stance that everything depends on security, and that collective effort is needed to achieve the desired result on security.

“We are all working collectively to secure the State. We clearly understand that everything succeeds and fails on the altar of security. If security fails everything else fails, and, for us, in hurry to develop our State, our State cannot see development if the place is not secured. Investors cannot look our way,” the Governor affirmed.

“We also believe that there is no arm of security that can have it all. So, we have the Army here, we have the Navy, we have the police, unfortunately we don’t have Air Force, we do have Civil Defence, NDLEA, Immigration and a lot of others including our own Homeland Security,” Governor Otti explained.

He commended the State’s multi-agency security outfit, Operation Crush, which has been instrumental in arresting the spate of insecurity, particularly kidnapping, in the State, and promised that Government would look into pockets of allegations of high-handedness and unethical practices against some of the members of the team.

The Governor was joined by the Chief of Staff, Pastor Caleb Ajagba, and the Principal Secretary to the Governor, Mr. Chinenye Mba-Uzoukwu, in receiving the Defence Intelligence Study Team in Abia.

Photo Caption 1: The Director of Studies Defence Intelligence, Mr. Jonathan Nyam, addressing the Governor during the meeting.

Photo Caption 2: Mr. Nyam presenting a souvenir to the Governor.

Photo Caption 3: Governor Otti in a group photograph with the visiting students of Defence Intelligence College. Standing first and fifth from left are the Principal Secretary to the Governor, Mr. Chinenye Mba-Uzoukwu and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Pastor Caleb Ajagba, respectively.

~ NewsOrient