2023 Elections Not Certain, Pastor Adeboye Warns

2023 Elections Not Certain, Pastor Adeboye Warns

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christain Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has again, warned that it is not certain yet if there will be election in Nigeria next year.

It will be recalled that next year, 2023 is scheduled for Nigeria’s General Elections.

Speaking at this April’s Thanksgiving service at the Church’s National headquarters in Lagos, Pastor Adeboye also denied insinuations that the recent memo his church released, in which it created a department on Politics, is traced to his personal interest in Nigerian Politics and his support for a presidential candidate from his Church.

In his explanation, since members of church (RCCG) belong to all the political parties in the country, he could not take such a stand but will always pray for any of them that indicate interest thus: “let the perfect will of God prevail on your prayers”.

Adeboye added: “I am not a politician and I will never be one”.

On the instruction for members to show interest in politics he asked… “if witches are taking interest in who rules Nigeria, why should Christians not do so?

Pastor Adeboye also raised a poser as to who is trying to isolate Kaduna from the rest of the country and why?

Recent terrorism attacks in and around Kaduna, which has the highest concentration of military establishments in the country has been a subject of deep concern. In response to the concern, Adeboye raised a poser as to who wants this strategic Nigerian town isolated?

It is a fact today that following recent and consistent terrorist attacks in Kaduna, an unexpected incident that has affected road, rail and airport, most Nigerians today do not contemplate traveling to or out of Kaduna

On the harsh economic downturn in Nigeria, Pastor Adeboye raised another poser. He wondered why 80 percent of Nigeria’s oil, which is the major foreign exchange earner is being stolen and anybody is giving account for it?

To answer this poser, Daddy Adeboye, as the RCCG General Overseer is fondly called by many Nigerians, said Nigerian authorities should find out and explain to all which country is buying the stolen oil and for what purpose?

He also wondered why the country’s debt could be written off during the tenure of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, and yet today, the same country is sinking further into debt today.

Pastor Adeboye is of the view that answers have to be provided for these posers before one can say for certain whether or not next year’s elections would be a reality.